Things Massage Therapists Can Do To Manage Their Finances During Economic Downturn

Things Massage Therapists Can Do To Manage Their Finances During Economic Downturn Sell Gift Certificates on your personal website, to be honored after the isolation. Sell packages – You can sell 6 or 8 massage packages for payment up front to your regular clients at a discounted rate, to be honored after self-isolation. Cancel UnnecessaryContinue reading “Things Massage Therapists Can Do To Manage Their Finances During Economic Downturn”

How to Convert Your Practice to Online Telehealth

So you’ve decided to take your practice online. Telehealth is a great opportunity for both clients and practitioners, especially in the current circumstances. Being able to practice online gives you the freedom to run your own business from your own home. It also gives clients who may be too busy or unable to get awayContinue reading “How to Convert Your Practice to Online Telehealth”

Things Massage Therapists Can Do While Stuck in Self-Isolation or Quarantine

Are you looking to book a massage? Book via our website or get the Blys app to enjoy therapeutic, essential treatments delivered to your door. We understand that there may be challenging times upon us. However, we don’t have to let self-isolation and quarantine be another pitfall! For a lot of people, situations such asContinue reading “Things Massage Therapists Can Do While Stuck in Self-Isolation or Quarantine”

Tips for Massage Therapists to Keep Yourself and Your Clients Safe at Work During an Outbreak

Are you looking to book a massage? Book via our website or get the Blys app to enjoy therapeutic, essential treatments delivered to your door. Firstly, we want to let you know that we’re feeling your concerns. This is an unprecedented moment, with a lot of unpredictability surrounding it, but we’re ALL in this togetherContinue reading “Tips for Massage Therapists to Keep Yourself and Your Clients Safe at Work During an Outbreak”

How to Manage Stress in Difficult Times

How to Manage Stress in Difficult Times We’ve all been dealing with a lot more stress than usual lately. Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional equilibrium, as well as your physical health. It narrows your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life. If you’re living with high levels of stress, you’re putting yourContinue reading “How to Manage Stress in Difficult Times”

Blys Launches New Telehealth Digital Wellness Services

In the wake of the COVID-19 international pandemic, Blys has launched brand new Telehealth services to encourage clients to stay home and stay healthy. In line with our vision to ensure wellness services are available to everyone, everywhere, clients are able to book personal one-to-one appointments online via video. The new digital wellness services include:Continue reading “Blys Launches New Telehealth Digital Wellness Services”

How Massage Therapy Benefits Cyclists

Cycling is a versatile, accessible sport that can help your entire body get the exercise it needs. Not only does cycling utilise all of your major muscle groups, but helps with focus, stamina, balance and shifting hard-to-reach fat. What’s more, cycling can be enjoyed by most people, including children and older folk, making it aContinue reading “How Massage Therapy Benefits Cyclists”

What Are The Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage & Who Is It For?

You may have heard of lymphatic drainage massage but feel unsure about what it involves. Not all massage is suitable for everyone, but when done correctly, lymphatic drainage massage can be incredibly beneficial. Lymph fluid is a form of infection-fighting white blood cells that flow throughout our bodies through our lymphatic systems. Whilst lymph fluidContinue reading “What Are The Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage & Who Is It For?”

Treating A Frozen Shoulder Through Massage Therapy

Struggling to lift your arm? Recently acquired a shoulder injury that you can’t seem to recover from? You may be suffering from adhesive capsulitis – commonly known as frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder is the scarring, thickening and shrinkage of the joint capsule that results in a severe loss of motion in your shoulders. Additional symptomsContinue reading “Treating A Frozen Shoulder Through Massage Therapy”

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